Planned Obsolescence

Published June 20, 2018 by Nan Mykel

While I understand that we’re all part of the Universe’s “Planned Obsolescence” blueprint,  and I know my pig valve and cow valve must be getting rusty, I want to say that today time has been on my side, for at least a little while.  More than a year and half ago when I sustained a compression fracture from lifting a heavy terra cotta giraffe off my counter, and more recently  totalled my car and gave up driving, I felt time was gobbling me up.  But now, today, I can say that I’m somewhat my old self again, without pain but just a little short on energy.  But to feel like time is still a little bit on my side is really awesome, as the new generation would say.



9 comments on “Planned Obsolescence

  • Awesome Sauce!

    I turned 65 last month, a few days before my granddaughter graduated from Harvard Extension School. In my soul, I don’t feel any older than my granddaughter. This is the best time of my life, so far. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

      • In my heart, I feel like I am still in my 20s. But my grandchildren are all in their 20s! I have a 5-year-old great-grandson, and his grandfather, my oldest child, will be 47 in August. It doesn’t seem possible that I could be this old! Except when I go to get up out of my chair after weeding in the yard for a couple of hours. Then I feel like I am at least 100!

        I have to tell you, Bethany, I have felt bad many times, thinking about your parents, knowing that they are probably around my age, and wondering why in the *H* don’t they know any better than to treat you the way they do. There is no excuse for it. But YOU are wise, way beyond your years. ((HUG))


      • Well I’m 46 and so you could be the age of my mom. Wow. Damn. Why couldn’t you have been my mom. Or why coudln’t my mom just be like you! And change! Some days I am sadder than others about that. When I get a great photo I want her to see it and be proud. When I drive or walk further than I never thought I could or when I then am trying to battle the pain I wish I had her to cheer me on. But she wouldn’t and hasn’t and that makes me incredibly sad. All I wanted her to do was love me as I am. That was it.
        Thank you for thinking of me and wishing better for me.

        Liked by 1 person

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