
All posts in the Blogging category


Published September 20, 2022 by Nan Mykel





…. a little friendlier,  but I feel time’s winged chariot and I want to say as much as is there…here.

When I first began blogging I saw that new sites said things like “Welcome, pull up a chair and visit.  So glad you stopped by.  I’m Nan, and I’ll answer every comment.  Please make yourself at home.”  But no, I didn’t have time for cordiality.  Well, I saw my doctor earlier today and he said he would visit my blog, and he’ll see my limited appeal.  I think I’ve been conning him….

No prob.  Just wishing I was better organized, but a little late for that, eh what?  One of my problems is not having enough friends to sit and chew the fat with, “in reality.”

If tugging on your coattails and begging you to pay attention to me doesn’t work, I’ll just have to try and re-script my personality so it’s more …something.  Aw shucks, do I have to be nicer?



Published August 13, 2022 by Nan Mykel


When things and the state of the United States get too tense during blog writing, different folks let off steam in…well, different ways, whether it be by having snarks, remembering and sharing soothing old songs  (Filosofa’s Word) or  Dr.  Rex’s Wordless Wednesday and Friday Fun Facts (It Is What It Is).  And someone has Caturdays.  Me, I’m not into fun too much.  I prefer  acting out, being weird.

For example, today I dawdled on Google and marveled at all the different acronyms that have been used in titling congressional bills:

Some acronyms are more popular than others. The most popular word, SAFE, is used 131 times, meaning such things as:

  • Screening Applied Fairly and Equitably
  • Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement
  • Screening Applied Fairly and Equitably
  • Security Against Foreclosures and Education
  • Security and Accountability For Every
  • Swift Approval, Full Evaluation
  • Security and Fairness Enhancement
  • Stop Abuse for Every
  • Safe, Accountable, Fair, and Efficient
  • Security and Financial Empowerment

Other popular words include CAREFAIRSTOPHELPHOPEDREAM, and PROTECT.  []


On a lark, giving myself free reign to be (ahem)  different,  I remembered the flying bishop as described on pages 218-219  of Colin Wilson’s 1971 book The Occult.  I was curious to see what  Google had to say about the flying bishop.  There was silence about Wilson’s “strange sickly boy  who became known as ‘Open Mouth’ because his mouth usually hung open; one commentator remarked  that ‘he was not far from what today we would call a state of feeble-mindedness’.”   But maybe Google had him listed by name?  Duh.  Wikipedia, via Google,  had him under St. Joseph of Copertino.  Wikipedia’s descripion of the flying monk  is more skeptical than Wilson’s.  No surprise there, I guess, and Wikipedia did not even list The Occult as a resource.  Wilson’s version is a happier one, and that’s what I was seeking today.  So nice I get to choose.

At the age of seventeen Joseph was accepted into the Capuchin order, but was dismissed eight months later because of total inability to concentrate.  Soon thereafter the Order of Conventuals accepted him as a stable boy, and at twenty-two he became a Franciscan priest.  One day, in the midst of his prayers after mass, he floated off the ground and  landed on the altar in a state of ecstasy. Floating in the air in a state of delight seemed to be his sole accomplishment.  The flying bishop was oberved to repeatedly fly when joyous, in full sight of  the congregation.  Kings, dukes, Leibnitz and even the Pope witnessed him floating or flying in the air.  When Joseph’s canonization was suggested after his death at the age of sixty, the Church started an investigation into his flights, and after  hundreds of depositions had been taken. he was declared a saint  on February 24, 1767 by Pope Clement XIII.

As I read on, the sources of information opened and I read that since flying was associated with witchcraft, he was called before the  holy inquisition, but after more than one session he was found not guilty, largely because it became apparent that he did not take pleasure from his levitation, was not proud of them, and could not control them. For the rest of Joseph’s life after the trial, he was shuffled around, treated by the church as a dirty little secret and moved to out of the way locations, being occasionally called back before the authority of the Inquisition for some further questioning before being maintained innocent again.  As mentioned above, four years after his death the church’s  “dirty little secret” became a saint.

Now that’s out of my system, maybe I can attend to  reblogging Bob Shepherd’s post tomorrow.  Whew!  That’s my exercise for today.

I’m Trying to Attract Your Attention

Published January 2, 2020 by Nan Mykel

So after 5 years I have less than 350 followers (and let’s face it, some are businesses).  So many have thousands.  Sure, they’re prettier than me and are more romantically focussed, and just maybe nicer, but hey, I was number One on Miami Jackson’s tennis team, doesn’t that count for anything?  Politics. Maybe that’s it. Just can’t keep my mouth shut when I’m speechless (heh heh).

I just tried out a new avatar–is it avatar or gravatar?–so maybe that will pull in one or two more of you wonderful people…

I’ll quit whining and hinting and tell you I just read my “Diary” page and enjoyed it.  Maybe someone else can also?

Good News About the Reader (I Think)

Published May 28, 2018 by Nan Mykel

My helper was over this evening and she showed me that all the blogs I follow ARE on my reader when they post!  When you get to the bottom wait a sec for the arrow thingy to slip back up and this can continue until the end of your list.  (Bethany, take note!)  There are just a few who live in other domains, I think, who can only post via e-mail.  There must be a place where bloggers can request to be on others’ e-mails.  Correct me, gang, if I’m off base.

UPDATE ON : The Reader–You Probably Knew This; I Didn’t…

Published May 26, 2018 by Nan Mykel

Concerning the following which I posted earlier, I learned that for updates on all the blogs I follow to appear on my Reader (instead of many on e-mail),  I must transition from .com to .org for $99.  Just thought you’d like to know.


I recently dropped a number of sites I had been following because they hadn’t posted in a long time.  As I dropped well below 300 blogs followed, I discovered that not everyone on my followed list gets listed in my Reader when they post.  If that’s you I apologize. I checked everyone in my reader frequently, while entirely oblivious to others I thought I was actively following.

I wonder how many posts you can follow and they will all be covered via the Reader.

Always Apologizing, Me

Published July 9, 2017 by Nan Mykel

When I first started blogging folks were curious why I had trouble posting to d’Verse. I found out why: I was trying to post my poem from the page I wrote it on which wasn’t a page, I guess, but a dashboard.

I think I’ve discovered another innocent error involving my pages.  I have 15 or 16 pages and no one told me how to get material on those pages. So, when I come across something that I have a page for, I post it there and not on my main blog.  Even if I’ve re-blogged, I post it on the relevant page.  I’m going to pause in this post now and explore more about what and how I do it and maybe someone can tell me how I should do it. I’ll be back…





Published February 13, 2017 by Nan Mykel

Did I lose other followers?

I received the following from Brian today:

From owningitlog on About Nan Mykel

Was your site hit by the recent hack, you disappeared from my Reader. I had to re-follow you. Please make a back up of all your posts, they are to valuable to be messed with.

Thanks, I’ll ask folks. -Nan
In reply to Nan Mykel.Suddenly I wasn’t following you. I may have accidentally clicked off “follow”. You are back in my feed now!
Select comment Nan Mykel
In reply to owningitlog.Great!
Select comment

A Post to Entertain You

Published July 6, 2016 by Nan Mykel

I’ve noticed that I’m stuck in the good company of poets who only visit me when I have a poem up my sleeve or somewhere, preferably on Dverse.  How did this happen?  What happened to the great population of octogenarians  who have nothing better to do than fiddle with  computer keys. Maybe they’re playing piano keys instead? Sorry, count me out. Musician I’m not, just as I’m not  lot of things….Republican, Spanish-speaking,  extrovert, yankee….I could go on and on, literally.  But you knew that, didn’t you!  So, does that mean you’re a bored curious poet just dropping by to see what I’m up to?  If so, welcome. If not, double welcome!caterpillar                                                                                                                                                                                       Edith Smith



                                                                                                            (I’ve already gotten myself in trouble–killer?)…

Reminds me of Phyllis Diller

(especially due to her last name)

…this killer caterpillar–not caterpillar killer (you note the difference?)

was devouring an innocent leaf one night

when he saw an owl

also on the prowl.

Our killer said nnnnnnnnnnnnf

and the owl replied WHO?

Impatient, our killer yelled nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnf!!!

The owl on the prowl, you see,

not unlike you and me,

didn’t like sass so

bit him in the ass, leaving

only a purple caterpillar.





Published February 19, 2016 by Nan Mykel

I spoke recently at a Writers Fair in my home town. One of many presentations, it was videotaped.  Recently I reviewed the tape and to my surprise discovered that I make horible, gibbering faces when I address an audience. For example:


Really now, would you trust anything this shifty-eyed creature wrote?


Or this one?

Screen Shot 2016-02-12 at 12.13.03 PM

I’m glad I’m blogging now instead of publishing books. This way, no one has to eyeball the real me.


Evolution of Medical profession-Extinction of good doctors

choosing medical career; problem faced by doctors; drawbacks of medical profession;patient tutorials

Petchary's Blog

Cries from Jamaica

Mangus Khan

A place where I post unscripted, unedited, soulless rants of a insomniac madman

Life Matters



My Life And Everything Within It

Mitch Reynolds

Just Here Secretly Figuring Out My Gender

Frank J. Peter

A Watering Hole for Freelance Human Beings Who Still Give a Damn

Passionate about making a difference

"The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible." - Joel Brown

Yip Abides

because life does not kill you right away


Seeking Dialogue to Inform, Enlighten, and/or Amuse You and Me

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

New Beginnings and Endings After and Before KATiE MiA Aghogday!

Cloud Cuckoo Kiss

Medi(t)ating between the wor(l)ds

ram H singhal

Journey of Creative Enlightenment

The Cultural Reverence

A leap beyond cultural boundaries

The Twisting Tail

the world turns on a word


You - philosophical, thoughtful, witty. Me - still thinks fart jokes are funny. We should DEFINITELY get together!