
All posts tagged truth


Published June 9, 2021 by Nan Mykel


The lies are like a loose string in a woven fabric

Posted on 11

“Always tell the truth as you don’t have to remember as much,” said a voicemail greeting from an old friend. His greeting spoke volumes to me when I first heard it. He would alter his greeting at work on a daily basis offering adages or life lessons and this remains my favorite lesson of his.

To me, it is an important lesson as when people do not tell the truth, not only do they have to remember more stories, the lies are like loose strings in a woven fabric. They will eventually begin to unravel. This is especially true when people in leadership positions lie. Their lies are so visible, others have to adjoin their lies with the so-called leader’s. That leaves greater exposure as there are now more strings to unravel.

It truly saddens me how the truth has become more of a commodity these days. Politicians feel they can get away with exaggerations or even bald-faced lies. The know pseudo-news outlets that support their tribe or party will cover for them. To be frank, when someone knowingly covers for a lie, that is also lying.

All politicians lie, but by far the worst of the lot is the former president. But, that is truly not news, as an attorney who worked for him for years before he was elected said the former president “lies every day, even about things of no consequence.” Similar quotes can be found by more than a few people who worked for him over the years and in the White House.

Yet, too many believe this person. He did not win the election – he lost. It was not stolen from him – he lost. He lost because he got seven million fewer votes. He has been unable to prove election fraud losing well over sixty court cases, while winning one. That is a pretty miserable investment of money to pay attorneys for so little return. Some funders actually want their money back as they felt the former president cheated them by insinuating there was fraud.

Yet, these lies led to people dying on January 6 when he invited, incited and pointed protestors at the Capitol. Lies about the seriousness of COVID-19 led to more than deaths than needed and some people still believe it was all exaggerated or a hoax because of such. And, those folks who are still covering for those lies – such as in Texas where it was recently ruled illegal to use the Vaccine passports, reveal a how screwed up this former president has made things.

The truth matters. People rely on politicians to tell them the truth. We need to believe them, but when a president, governor or senator lies, it devalues our country. Being a sycophant to an untruthful person does not bode well for one’s reputation. And, these sycophants know they are lying, which bothers me as much as the lying itself.


Published January 4, 2020 by Nan Mykel

What the hell do I know?  Not F—ing much.  Do I really know that 1 + 1 = 2?  Often 1 + 1 = 1.  Worst case, 1 + 1 = 0.

How about that “the truth shall set you free?” ….or in the looney bin.

That you really loved me?  1 + 7 = 1

That God loves me?  Who? Loves? Who?

That might makes right?  Wrong.

That pacifism is the way to go?  And go, go, go, gone.

It’s easier to love pets than humans?  Depends upon the pet, not the human.

What to do now?  Better search for beauty again.



Published April 29, 2018 by Nan Mykel

Dwell not on finding Truth my friend

for it shall drive you mad.

The eyes that spy the way things are

will only leave you sad.


Bedlam is filled with clear-eyed folk

whose blinders were shorn away.

Unalloyed truth can scorch

and even love betray.



The Pitfalls of Aging (Don’t Do It!)

Published October 17, 2017 by Nan Mykel

For some, going around the last bend can be quite disconcerting.  It’s natural (and easier) to want to take care of the feelings of the elderly, and so sometimes they are “protected” from the truth. Not telling someone they’e dying has been dealt with definitively, I hope. What I’m talking about is weakening the individual’s hold on reality  by ushering them into a world of make-believe.  I’m trying to figure out why it is so bothersome. Well, first off it puts the younger person in a one-up position, making decisions for the elderly instead of respecting their ability to withstand the truth. More important, I think, it tends to make the older person into a legitimate paranoid.  What is a legitimate paranoid? In my book it’s one who knows some statements are true, but having trouble deciding which are true and which  are the “protection.”  It kinda turns life into a rotten game, and especially towards the end that is an undesirable state to be in.  I guess what it lacks is respect.  If you disagree, tell me about it.

Quote from Timothy D. Wilson

Published February 12, 2016 by Nan Mykel

Our Shadow SelvesTim Wlson

The conflict between the need to be accurate and the desire to feel good about ourselves is one of the major battlegrounds of the self, and how this battle is waged and how it is won are central determinants  of who we are and how we feel about  ourselves.

A dose of self-deception can be helpful as well, enabling us to maintain a positive view of ourselves and an optimistic view of the future.  (Strangers to Ourselves, p 39)

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