Old age

All posts tagged Old age


Published August 2, 2023 by Nan Mykel

Maybe it’s from currently doing all those jigsaw puzzles and ending up with pieces missing, but I think it may have more to do with therapy and graduate school in clinical psychology, where a lot of us talked about our growing edge, referring to our attempt to expand ourselves to become more whole beings.  I’m not saying it very well, but it was a familiar retort of mine when someone corrected me (“I know, and I’m working on it.”)  And I was!

I guess graduate school  in psychology at Georgia State University back in the seventies was a little unusual; but maybe it wasn’t, I wouldn’t know, but it was a clinical stronghole [stronghold?]  of Gestalt Psychology, especially with the guiding examples of Irma Shepherd and Joen Fagan, Earl Brown and George Taylor etc.  George once said to me after an encounter, “Thank you for the gift of your anger.”  Wow.

I’ve been toying with the challenge of how to spend my remaining time.  Just having fun may be adequate as a goal for some, but I feel the urge more clearly now to get back to uncovering my growing edge.  I’ll be eighty-eight in September, and I have so far to go [grow!].  I had settled down into near acceptance of myself as is, and then had an insight: I experienced the possibility of a new growing edge.

I have always seen myself as a somewhat avoidant personality, having gone to eleven public schools in twelve years–which limited the cultivation of friendship experience; and there was the intrusion of my alcoholic father, but I did luck out and survive.  But does a survivor just live on to have fun?   I had no idea what my options were. Now, I wasn’t wanting to be a late-life born again do-gooder to earn my admission to heaven…Besides, I didn’t have the energy to ladle out soup in a food line, when something happened to let me see a needy room for improvement.  The details aren’t necessary for this post, but an incident uncovered my need to focus on personally reaching out to others, not for support but to support  Big deal, hunh, but it was a big deal for me, and thus today’s blog.

Maybe others have all the pieces of their puzzle, but I have a sneaking suspicion I still need to find some.  The following poem by Felix is by someone who has a full deck…er…all his pieces.  See his poem:



Now that I have become quite old,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I seldom do what I am told.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I rise each day before the sun                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and ponder what I’ll do for fun.

Content I am to live alone                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For twenty years it’s all I’ve known.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I shun things of complexity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 My bliss is in simplicity.

The food I eat is often plain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For me to cook is just a pain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I sate more quickly than before                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and eat much less.  It’s not I’m poor.

A jigsaw puzzle I find fun;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I’ve books to read before I’m  done                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I walk my laps when at the gym                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and try to stay alert and trim.

Despite the aches I must assuage,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      there’s joie de vivre in my old age.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      There are but few sins I repent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            So all in all, I’m quite content.

As I turn over life’s last pages,                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I don’t expect to live for ages.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I welcome being old and grey,                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for I’ve known love along my way.

August 2023 –  Used by permission of Felix Gagliano*

[The contorted line spacing above does not reflect Felix, but my own oldster ignorance of technical contraptions. Too late to change that!]

Thr Grandeur of Age

Published June 13, 2021 by Nan Mykel

Thanks to Dr. Horty Rex for mind-blower post which reads:

Which made me wonder about him, and to save you time have looked him up, but too much pro and con to cover for you at some wide-ranging Google posts. Thanks to Dr. Rex, without whom I would never have known about him…


Photo by Taronga Zoo on April 29, 2014.
  • tarongazooVerifiedSmall, bigger, biggest! 🐢

    Taronga Western Plains Zoo has continued its Galapagos Tortoise breeding success, welcoming two new hatchlings! The hatchlings will take 20-25 years to reach their full size and may live up to 150 years!

    Our photo shows the tiny pair next to…..Taronga Zoo (@tarongazoo) • Instagram photos and videos
  • tarongazooVerifiedSmall, bigger, biggest! 🐢

    Taronga Western Plains Zoo has continued its Galapagos Tortoise breeding success, welcoming two new hatchlings! The hatchlings will take 20-25 years to reach their full size and may live up to 150 years!

    Our photo shows the tiny pair next to…..

Just You Wait!

Published July 21, 2019 by Nan Mykel

I CAN’T                                                                                                                                                Play hopscotch any more                                                                                                                        Nor skate across an icy floor.                                                                                                                 I know headstands would break my neck                                                                                           I drove my car and caused a wreck.

It’s hard to write a funny verse                                                                                                              ‘Specially when you’re glum and terse.                                                                                                I wonder if I’ll ever see                                                                                                                            a poem sadder than my knee.

Oh I know it could be worse–                                                                                                                 I could have Trumpkin as my nurse,                                                                                                    Pointing at me and saying he                                                                                                                Would never make a pass at me.

BUT                                                                                                                                                     Now I don’t have to clean my plate                                                                                                  Or remember to stand up straight                                                                                                   Oh what fun to say shit and damn                                                                                              while chasing Mary’s little lamb.

Yet no one tucks me in at night                                                                                                          or hugs me as my mother might.                                                                                                        Home made peach ice cream’s the best                                                                                           I’d not swap it for all the rest.

I STILL KNOW                                                                                                                                Little Orphan Annie can say                                                                                                               “Watch out for the Goblins today.                                                                                          They’re bigger than ever                                                                                                                    and terribly clever–”

Citizens United foretold                                                                                                                    The capitalist manifold                                                                                                                    That can squeeze you to death,                                                                                                Enjoying your last breath.

I guess there’s a Devil after all.                                                                                                       Call him a Goblin, you say?                                                                                                             But the evil’s outrageous,                                                                                                                 And even contagious!

GOOD LUCK                                                                                                                                       For the next century–                                                                                                                       I’m outta here.

JUST JOKING                                                                                                                              Though not very funny, I guess.                                                                                                      The whole thing’s a horrible mess.                                                                                                  Oh I’m moved now to barf,                                                                                                                   Do watch out for the scarf!

NEXT SCENE                                                                                                                                Maybe it’ll be better after my                                                                                                                   next round trip down home.                                                                                                             I’ll be pushing up sod                                                                                                                  Second only to God.

You watch; I’ll be back.


Old Man Fred –flash fiction for d’Verse

Published June 15, 2019 by Nan Mykel

Although age and poverty had taken its toll,  when far away an interrupted cry woke him from his sleep, he shuddered.  He knew he lacked boundaries, was too easily empathic. That tendency had led him to  panhandling in the evening of his life.  It was getting more and more difficult to arise from his seated position on the sidewalk and retrieve his upturned hat from the pavement before him.

Someone at the Center had stolen his flute, so he had  nothing left to offer passersby than  the one song he could remember all the words to, Old Man River.

The children still stood round and begged their parent for a dime to drop into his hat. The children stared. The adults avoided his eyes.  He thanked them all.

128 words

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