Ginko gathering

All posts tagged Ginko gathering

The Gathering for d’Verse

Published August 28, 2017 by Nan Mykel







Most of those attending the gathering were Ginko bilobas, the longest living tree species, tracing back millions of years as opposed to the thousands which measure homo sapien as a species.  The gathering had been called by the Ginkos, out of  concern for the more recent and vulnerable tree species. Ginkos were the hardiest of all.

“We can no longer put up with the desecration of our world,”  an ancient one announced.  “The cockroaches can stay, but humans must be exterminated at a faster rate.  Best to be rid of the deadly human scourge than risk  total destruction of our celestial home.  All in favor?” Agreement rumbled throughout the forest. Then one spoke up.

“I’ve come to love the children that visit and value my shade.  Must we extinguish those also?”  It was a young Ginko who questioned.  “Are they not innocent?” Silence settled  throughout the forest but was soon followed by a bitter Arctic wind.


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