
All posts in the Homeless category


Published April 26, 2024 by Nan Mykel

How can this be?  A search of Google for Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives  includes an Intelligencer story titled “26 Things You’d Rather Not Know about Mike Johnson.”  I read it and although the title may have a fault (I couldn’t re-visit without money), the items were the most offensive positions he has taken in the past (Trump Won, Anti-Gay, etc._.)

“I never expected the music to swell and the credits to roll with Mike Johnson’s face in the center of the frame,” wrote Frank Bruni in a New York Times opinion piece.

Johnson, the House speaker, reversed a position that he’d previously held, banded with Democrats and infuriated some of the loudest members of his party — that’s Marjorie Taylor Greene you hear wailing in the wings — to pass a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan last weekend.

“…In an era this intensely and corrosively partisan, it’s especially important that we give warranted praise and appropriate thanks to people with whom we usually disagree. Tribalism discourages that, but a healthy democracy demands it.” Guess I’ll say thanks and wait to see what happens next.



Conjoined at the head, living a life as a transgender man with spina bifida, and facing  the other direction  an able-bodied sibling,  Lori, who had musical talent and and pushed George on a stool that had wheels.  A blanket over one of them provided privacy during intimacy. The Schappell twins, who died recently at 62,  said that they never wanted to be surgically separated, and that they did not wish they had been born apart.  Read more about these and other conjoined siblings via Google.



It feels strange to read that the ACLU is on the other side in the Tik Toc issue.  I’m unclear about which high road to favor.  In the end I guess it’s  follow survival.


WHEN I WAS IN PHYSICAL REHAB a year or so ago, the occupational therapist stopped by my bed and asked if  could walk.  No, my foot was broken. Which foot?  The right foot.  The left? No, the right, whereupon she checked my veracity by looking herself.  The day before when  I reported to a nurse look alike that my heart was pounding, she asked me what did I want her to do about it.


. According to the internet, 10% of Americans believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


“ADL tracked 8,873 antisemitic incidents across the United States in 2023, the highest level recorded since ADL started tracking this data in 1979.” —  U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Soared 140% percent in 2023,   Thanks to Dr. John Persico Jr. for that tid bit.


For some reason, I don’t see the unexpected widespread antisemitic sentiment, especially on college campuses, as being rooted in anti Jewishness, but the empathic horror and sympathy for those continuing to  suffer in Hamas.  Of course, contributing to a war on one side while offering aid to the other at the same time does seem a little  crazy to me.  And I still continue to secretly (or not so secretly) tend to suspect that both 9-11 and the “surprise” invasion of Israel were permitted to justify the resultant wars.


Published April 22, 2024 by Nan Mykel

The first science best seller was in 1665, and kept Samuel Pepys up until 2 a.m. reading “the most ingenius book that I have ever read in my life”.  (Falkowski 2015, 27). Falkowski describes the author of the book Micrographia (still in print) as “Roert Hooke, then a 30-year old hunchbacked, contankerous, neurotic hypochondriac who was also a brilliant natural scientist, polymath, and an original Fellow of the society.”

Falkowski’s research is  impeccable. “Darwin indeed took a microscope with him on the Beagle. Along with his Bible and natural history books, he took two pistols, 12 shirts and two books to help him learn Spanish and a coin purse.”  [And pants?]

He quotes Carl Woese and George Fox who state that all extant life on Earth is derived from a single, extinct microbial organism.  “There could have been only one common ancestor from bacteria to us…a microbe.”

“Indeed, microbes are not mentioned in the Bible….They certainly weren’t taken deliberately by Noah on the ark, nor are they woven into the Turkish tapestries depicting the Great Flood.”



No thank you.  I won’t bother you with that one today…



Environmental Group Asks RFK Jr to End Presidential Bid

I’m glad, but that must hurt!



The median home-sale price as of February 2024 was $384,500, up 5.7 percent from one year ago, according to NAR data. The nation had a 2.9-month supply of housing inventory as of February, which is low enough to be considered a seller’s market.

Mom, you would not

recognize your boy today.

Without a home or job

he is lost to the world.



The Freedom Caucus, where many of these extreme conservatives call home, has long cared more about upsetting apple carts than using them to deliver apples. …Keith Wilson



We came, we tried, we fought

and ate each other up.

We lived and died by our own hands.

If two survived and met on a plain,

would we hug one another

or kill again?                                                          Nan  4-24


Published May 15, 2023 by Nan Mykel

“Let them eat cake” is the most famous quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution. As the story goes, it was the queen’s response upon being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread. Because cake is more expensive than bread, the anecdote has been cited as an example of Marie-Antoinette’s obliviousness to the conditions and daily lives of ordinary people. But did she ever actually utter those words? Probably not.  From <https://www.britannica.com/story/did-marie-antoinette-really-say-let-them-eat-cake>HOWEVER, obviously the anecdote matched the feelings of many or it would not have trickled down to us.

The quote came to mind when reading about the jazza-ma-tazz of splurges in a number of high-rises, as revealed and commented upon by  The Nation earlier this year:  “Absurdly opulent offices defy the market’s gloom.” …Or would that  be deny  the market’s gloom?

“Take a look inside the most expensive home in the country, a penthouse in New York City’s Central Park Tower that is listed at $250 million.”  While you’re at it you might like a nice purse at $10,200 dollars.  You don’t have to bother with the battle against the homeless in downtown San Francisco or the  attempt by the poor in New York to ban evictions (The Nation, April 2023).  It all depends on where you look, where your attention is drawn, your own backyard.

If you look at the salaries of those lucky enough to have found a job, then the increase per hour might seem encouraging.  On the other hand, if you’re looking at the homeless and others without work and impoverished education who  compete with burgeoning technology,  the situation is alarming/horrifying/sobering/grim.  Free counseling from A.I. will never make up the shortfall.

Does every American have a right to a job?  Since might makes right, it’s questionable in practice.  Certainly the statement is  not popular with most of the wealthy.  The vision, however, is that a federal job guarantee could be transformational for our country.  “The concept is about much more than just providing work and an income for people who are unemployed, as important as that is. A job guarantee will help us rebuild our country, go a long way toward ending economic insecurity, improve mental health, and create a stronger sense of community.  It will create a much healthier and happier America.”  Perhaps you guessed that the words are from Bernie Sanders in The Nation March, 2023.  (Of course, undoing the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling which changed corporations  into people  and permitted the massive buying of elections.  One corporation against Mr. or Mrs. John Q. Public?  Unspeakable and destructive, as we’re seeing and feeling it today.


Gun deaths among American children rose 50 percent between 2019 and 2021, from 1,732 to 2,590, according to a report by the Pew Research Center.  Gun deaths among all Americans rose 23 percent during that period.  Male castration fears continue to rule in most states, at the cost of neighbors’ lives.

In many states will forced childbirth not replace them, population-wise?  Excuse my bitterness.  I’m not sure but I may have homeschooled if my young’uns were school age now.


Why don’t conservatives want children to be upset about the world they live in?  A 63-year old psychology teacher in Florida gave his 11th and 12th grade students an assignment to write their own obituary in order to inspire reflection on how they want to move forward with their lives.  A super idea, in my opinion. Did his assignment result in more mature students able to contribute to our world?  Are you kidding?  He was fired. (The Week April 21, 2023)


Evolution of Medical profession-Extinction of good doctors

choosing medical career; problem faced by doctors; drawbacks of medical profession;patient tutorials

Petchary's Blog

Cries from Jamaica

Mangus Khan

A place where I post unscripted, unedited, soulless rants of a insomniac madman

Life Matters



My Life And Everything Within It

Mitch Reynolds

Just Here Secretly Figuring Out My Gender

Frank J. Peter

A Watering Hole for Freelance Human Beings Who Still Give a Damn

Passionate about making a difference

"The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible." - Joel Brown

Yip Abides

because life does not kill you right away


Seeking Dialogue to Inform, Enlighten, and/or Amuse You and Me

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

New Beginnings and Endings After and Before KATiE MiA Aghogday!

Cloud Cuckoo Kiss

Medi(t)ating between the wor(l)ds

ram H singhal

Journey of Creative Enlightenment

The Cultural Reverence

A leap beyond cultural boundaries

The Twisting Tail

the world turns on a word


You - philosophical, thoughtful, witty. Me - still thinks fart jokes are funny. We should DEFINITELY get together!