Published May 8, 2024 by Nan Mykel

It couldn’t be real.  Maybe it’s just a nightmare that’s lasted too long.  Student protests indicate that the young are thinking, feeling and energized.  I am encouraged by those who speak out in their local papers and radio for national sanity to return.  I was especially encouraged by author Luman Slade’s letter in the local Athens News this week. Sorry, I believe I said I wouldn’t mention the T word any more, but hey, I’m just quoting someone else.  What do you think?


To the Editor:

We Americans, probably due to our Christian upbringing, have been too polite and too tolerant when it somes to would-be-tyrants, such as Donald Trump. We have sat back and allowed him to remove  civility from our discourse. We have allowed him to divide us and pit us, one against the other.

We have allowed him to set new standards as to the use of vulgar language, slander, insults, and lies. We have allowed him to upset customs and morality. We have allowed him to  impede and threaten our judicial and legislative bodies. We have allowed him to weaken our honorable world standing. Finally, we have allowed him to misguide our children  into believing that bullying is OK, that people who are different are inferior, and that cheating and lying are normal behavior.

Isn’t it about time  to begin taking a stronger and more meaningful stand for what is true, what is right, and what is good? Isn’t it about time for us to become less compliant to the ugly messages of Trumpism? Isn’t it about time to begin using our voting rights and our voices to take this unscrupulous predator and false prophet out of the picture before he does unreparable damages?


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