Did You Ever Wonder….

Published February 28, 2021 by Nan Mykel

….How lucky we were that a mass of Biden supporters missed being killed on January 6, and hopefully will also avoid a violent fray on March 4?
The story was in the Feb. 15-22 issue of Time magazine, so thorough that I would just refer you there for specifics, but it’s in the article HOW CLOSE WE CAME: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the Election, by Molly Ball, on page 43-51,  with reporting by Leslie Dickstein, Mariah Espada and Simmone Shah.
     In a nutshell, a nation-wide non-partisan citizen’s group quietly set about trying to insure that the 2020 election would be free of any fraud. The purpose was to ensure the legality of whichever party won the election. That’s why the many Supreme Court cases brought by Trump were so easily ruled against: the election wasn’t rigged!
     Both Republicans and Democrats invested in the lawful continuation of our democracy–honest elections–and worked together in a patriotic effort to ensure that the election would be protected from fraud, irrespective of which side won. The non-partisan movement formed and spread, fueled by Trump’s early before-the-election insistence that the vote would be rigged.  Created by the vision of Mike Podhorzer of the AFL-CIO and subsequently embraced by hundreds of both grassroots movements and CEOs,  22 Democrats and 22 Republicans on the National Council on Election Integrity began meeting on Zoom at least once a week–The Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO–and far too many other  groupings of  liberal and conservative pro-democracy  forces combined their support for a fair election and justified results, no matter who won.

     The concerned movement formed to prove doubters wrong. Whoever won, it should be a squeaky clean national election, and it was. Moreover, a threatened civil war did not begin on the streets of Washington D.C, between Trump protesters and insurrectionists on Jan. 6. The thousands who answered Trump’s call to Washington were met by virtually no counterdemonstrators. “To preserve safety and ensure they couldn’t be blamed for any mayhem, the activist left was ‘strenuously discouraging counter activity’.”
     I had postponed blogging about this due to the breadth of the information involved, but then stumbled across an article somewhere attacking the non-partisan power group for the quietness of its successful activities for a free and fair election.

     I HOPE THAT CAUTION IS STILL OBSERVED MARCH 4 and that the visit of Trump’s allies will end peacefully.  What does Trump hope for, other than to fill all his rooms at Trump Tower on Thursday?  

11 comments on “Did You Ever Wonder….

  • Nan, truth be told, no one was safe. Republican Mike Pence had a target on his back caused by the irresponsible and inciteful words of his boss. Other Republicans could also have been killed as they cried, “But, wait I am on your side.” This was an attack on a third branch of government all because a petulant 70ish toddler has never been able to take losing. Keith

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  • Contrary to mainstream commentators’ post-election assertions that the Capitol Hill rioters actually believe Donald Trump was cheated out of an election win, it is possible most of the rioters maintain(ed) that line as an excuse for their attempt to overturn Joe Biden’s (apparently quite) legitimate electoral win—or at least make it as unpleasant as possible, as we saw on Jan. 6.

    Just the loss itself was/is touted as sufficient proof of the unverifiable claim Trump was cheated from a victory due to atypically massive electoral-ballot fraud.

    Long before election day, Trump was saying he may not respect a Biden win, as though preparing his voter base for his inevitable refusal to leave office, whatever the vote-count results may be.

    The rioters (and Trump) may simply have been enraged enough at his defeat by the supposedly ‘socialist’ Biden that they were now going to raise hell.

    Or perhaps those supporters consciously or subconsciously believe that he has to remain in office for some perceived greater good—perhaps to save the nation or even to do ‘God’s will’—regardless of his democratically decided election loss.

    It may be a case of that perhaps most dangerous of ideologies: the end justifies the means.


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