Fast Descent – for d’Verse

Published February 23, 2017 by Nan Mykel

 FAST DESCENT     4-25-75

Hurtling through the mirror maze

young-old embryo. Contorted, misshapen,

falling back one eye. Cry “Please!” Cyclops crazy

beady, heavy. Where am I?


Brown, old contankerous brazen

witch bitch delirious. Stop! Simple smirky

purple prude. I  am the glamorous sham.


Staccato waltz, loping trot, forget-me-not, do.


Who is that spinning, passing prisms

fancifully, fragmented to pieces. Vertigo.

Butch fem all of them am I–Please, no.

Red. Gaping maws dirty paws

shiny smelly ripened belly.

Yes, no, true. My God



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