Published January 11, 2021 by Nan Mykel

When people do not push back on a tyrant

When people do not push back on a tyrant, they should not be surprised when he does tyrannical things. Five people died Wednesday, but that was the culmination of four years of corrupt and deceitful behavior….and a very fragile ego. The most ardent of fans of the tyrant were endangered by the tyrant’s instigation of violence. The legislators who supported the tyrant’s efforts were found quivering in the Capitol Building worried about their lives. If they stood up and said, “but, I am on your side,” they could have been killed or hurt. It is easy for Republican legislators and leaders to be courageous now, but when it was needed is when honorable diplomats, public servants and inspectors general raised concerns at great risk, knowing they would be fired for so doing. Yet, they did it anyway. I watched honorable duty bound people like Dr. Fiona Hill and Ambassador William Taylor testify under oath, only to be grilled by the tyrant’s toadies, who should also have taken an oath to tell the truth. Inspectors General like Michael Atkinson, Mitch Behm and Glenn Fine lost their positions, as did cybersecurity director Chris Krebs. Their crimes – telling inconvenient truths. Former Intelligence director John Bolton condemns Trump now, but he left diplomats hanging with their testimony as he remained silent about the Ukraine extortion issue. Bolden was quoted as being very critical of the Ukraine extortion attempt and shadow diplomacy, but screwed these diplomats with his silence. Other former cabinet members are emboldened to criticize the tyrant now, but did they do enough to protect America from his whims and deceitful behavior at the time when needed? And, for those who still support this tyrant, they need to answer a lot of questions. The tyrant’s actions led to five deaths, but he endangered the lives of his fans and the legislators who supported him as he has done before to support personal gain. There is a term for that – it is called sociopathic behavior. Will the tyrant be removed from office before his term ends? I do not know. But, no one deserves to be removed more than this ego-maniacal, corrupt and deceitful acting person. With too many Republican leaders not speaking up, especially during his staged voter fraud claims, more than his ardent base believe his BS. Note to followers, he lost the election because he got fewer votes. And, in spite of the claims of conspiracy and fraud, the tyrant and team have lost 59 out of 60 court cases and every recount. He cannot lose more than he has already. Sadly, more Americans will get hurt with the emboldened extremists who have emerged from the shadows. If you doubt this, some of the more extreme groups that support the tyrant are already speaking online of worse things to come. Make no mistake, the tyrant and his toadies have blood on their hands, I just pray it is not more. Our country deserves better. Keith 

6 comments on “WISE WORDS FROM KEITH

  • Beautifully expressed, Keith. I sense that your life is well organized and well-controlled. You’re “together,” man! I’m considering warping one of my pages into TALKING TO MYSELF, because I’m becoming disorganized, and at 85 I can’t afford it. I think you were talking about me when you said references were important. That takes more organization than I have at present. (If not at present, when?) Ha. Thanks for sharing these wise words.

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