Flypaper Thoughts

Published July 19, 2019 by Nan Mykel

Today I could talk straight through until I die and not tell you half my thoughts, history and fellow travelers. None great but I was there and lived it all.  So much, all the time.  Little things, big feelings–I am an Indian mound full of artifacts, a wrapped present on Christmas morning, full of surprises, not all good.  These atypical thoughts will leave me, but here they are for you to see, caught on my flypaper.

Moon casts her shadows

A plop sounds in the old creek

Night birds croon their songs

And I sleep…


6 comments on “Flypaper Thoughts

      • These days, either my mind won’t shut down and I’m awake until daylight, else I go to sleep out of sheer exhaustion and waken 5-10 times a night with night terrors. Dark circles are now a permanent fixture under my eyes. Funny, but it wasn’t this way until Trump came on the scene. 😉


      • I think a problem is that we can really get good ideas when trying to sleep. I recall just quitting trying to work on things and let it all go, and that worked for me. Right now when I can sleep whenever I want day or night, I let myself have an irregular schedule. But I’m never unable to sleep! I also began watching the images that formed with my eyes closed, and that may have helped too.

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      • True, which is why I keep a notepad and pen by my bedside, so I can jot down those really good ideas that popped into my head as I was about to drift off. But sometimes my thoughts are more along the lines of “oh heck, I forgot to _______________ fill in the blank. And then I lie awake and fret. Or, if my mind drifts to something that Trump or one of his cronies have done, the anger builds and before long I might just as well turn the light back on, pick up my book and read ’til I’m calm again. As I get older, somehow I seem to manage on less sleep, but about once a week it catches up with me and I sleep a full 7-8 hours.


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