I EARNED ONE POST–Not really poems

Published December 4, 2022 by Nan Mykel

I’ve decided to reward myself with one post after I finish a portion of my book, and since I’ve completed a new Preface and info for the back cover, I’m claiming my reward…after about a week without a computer because Microsoft changed my pin number and only gave me the choice of telling them my phone number (which I had changed and doesn’t work any more). Since I had forgotten my password, it finally told me to go to a different browser, so I called my daughter in Atlanta to utilize her browser longdistance.  I’m catching a ride to my every other Tuesday poetry writing group –guess when–oh, I’ve gotten silly. As you’ll see in the following:










How can I shrink

even more


If this continues

there’ll be nothing

to bury.



It can paint better









than me so

what’s left ain’t

that much.


Not fair.

Without ethics

It can have more



Has the Intelligent

Designer changed His

mind after all that

Noah’s ark stuff?


A pox on Sodom and

Gomorrah!  We’ve got

Climate Change.

Unless….                                   Nan  12/4/22    * (Prize winner by AI)














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