Published March 17, 2021 by Nan Mykel

Since I very much want North Americans to like each other once more, and because I was raised not to namecall, and due to the influence of a college half-semester on LOGIC at UF years ago, and because of wanting to avoid feeling more shame, I pledge to longer reblog or reference any post utilizing the logical errors of MISUSE OF EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE or POISONING THE WELLS, which includes sarcasm.  Call me on it if you catch me, and catch me if you can.  


    • Maybe I’ve been reading too much Daily Kos. The truth is just what I wrote in this post. I wasn’t brought up to “name-call.” When I asked my grandmother on the farm if we hated Hitler she said we don’t hate him, we just hate his ways. And I think that reasoning is easier to process if we aren’t being slurred at the same time. We’re wanting to talk reason…science…facts. Why sabotage those statements with insults? You asked why. I don’t really know why I picked this time. –Just horrified that so many Republicans seem closed off to reason. I’m resisting looking back through my earlier posts for examples of what I’m criticizing. You may remember that I’m not perfect. Also, I’ve been thinking some about the subject of prejudice…


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