These Worms Keep Surfacing

Published April 4, 2020 by Nan Mykel

Someone somewhere has been asserting that we the people are kind and generous–firemen singing thank you’s to hospital workers, free lunches for front line workers, free HBO, mass internet choirs, etc.  Unfortunately the cover keeps getting blown:

Faithful America reports that The Lt Gov of Texas says grandparents are willing to die to save the economy. A conservative religion journal is trying to give him moral cover….and did I just read that we are paying for a $45,000 set of golf clubs purchased while others are perishing?  Let me know.  P.S. Sorry–but just found this:

I really want to believe that some altruism remains in the human species.  (Just found out–on today’s Alter Net)

5 comments on “These Worms Keep Surfacing

  • GenerAlly SPeaKinG NoW
    Two Parties of Human
    With And Or Without
    Empathy And Compassion…
    2017 And On Relates
    What Party of Humans People Really Do Naked ExPosed..;$ Now For All
    To See And Hear
    With or
    Organs Of LoVE..:)


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