I’m Trying to Attract Your Attention

Published January 2, 2020 by Nan Mykel

So after 5 years I have less than 350 followers (and let’s face it, some are businesses).  So many have thousands.  Sure, they’re prettier than me and are more romantically focussed, and just maybe nicer, but hey, I was number One on Miami Jackson’s tennis team, doesn’t that count for anything?  Politics. Maybe that’s it. Just can’t keep my mouth shut when I’m speechless (heh heh).

I just tried out a new avatar–is it avatar or gravatar?–so maybe that will pull in one or two more of you wonderful people…

I’ll quit whining and hinting and tell you I just read my “Diary” page and enjoyed it.  Maybe someone else can also?

21 comments on “I’m Trying to Attract Your Attention

  • Do you want more followers? A good way to get your blog noticed is do participate in some of many prompts at Word Press, usually looking for writing short fiction or poetry to word or picture prompts.


  • Dear Nan … there are a number of tricks to gaining followers, but trust me, there is a difference between number of followers, and those who actually READ your blog posts. I have over 3,000 followers, but only around 200 that actually read my posts on any regular basis. If you are serious about wanting to increase your following, though, a few pointers:
    Keywords and categories mean a lot. If you have at least a combination of 11 keywords and categories, your post is more likely to make it to WP Reader, and thus be on Google’s search engine. Use keywords that apply to your topic, but also that will grab a reader’s attention. Post frequently … daily is recommended. Keep your word count between 800-1200 words … any longer and people fall asleep. Let me know if you need help … I’m happy to offer what I’ve learned over the years.

    Liked by 1 person

  • SMiLes.. WordPress is a
    Land of Trading Likes
    And Follows i am
    Reminded of this
    Every INSTANCE
    Likes 5 of my
    30K Word Blog
    Posts Within Seconds…
    They all have one
    ‘Thing’ In Common
    Wasting Their
    ‘Time’ And
    For Human
    Growth Real
    What Lights our
    Christmas Tree
    Our Soul…
    The World
    Continues to
    Become A More
    Disingenuous Vapid
    Shallow Place to
    Joy is in
    Art Build
    It and You Will
    Dance And Sing
    In New Colors Light…
    Others Live
    In Trump Stuff
    Of Gaslight Life..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  • Please share your own experiences here...

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