The Evangelical Mystery…

Published December 27, 2019 by Nan Mykel

Can anyone help me understand what the Evangelicals value in the president?  I’ve never heard of him turning the other cheek; au contraire!

The Seven Deadly Sins are:


I won’t insult the readers’ intelligence by listing examples of the president’s commission of these deadly sins.  I just wonder what the Evangelicals are telling themselves and their God about him.

9 comments on “The Evangelical Mystery…

  • Perhaps it is that “He”
    Still Is the “Spitting Fire
    And Brimstone Image”
    Of the “Old Testament
    God” Trust No
    God No Bible
    No Human
    Without Love
    For Humor…
    But You
    Have to
    And the
    God of
    The Old
    Is Literally
    Funny As Hell…
    But True Even JeSuS
    Is Reported to Love
    His Enemy Turn
    The Other Cheek
    Unless You
    Don’t Worship
    Him As God And
    He’LL Torture You
    Forever… Yes.. Sadly it
    Appears “Trumps”
    Gaslight the
    New Testament
    too… It Really Should
    Be Easy to See Why
    Evangelicals mostly
    Look to Him
    As their

    Liked by 1 person

  • Hilarious photo of Trump with the Bible, I guess Christians tend to be conservative and so they assume that he’s one of them. I think both political parties are corrupt, (the Republicans are obviously greedy but the Democrats are sneakier about it). I once saw a disheveled young woman who had missing teeth and tattoos on her face, proclaim how Trump was going to save the country. I thought to myself that he wouldn’t lift a finger to help her or anyone but himself but kept my mouth shut. People believe in hype no matter how ridiculous I suppose.


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