Psychic Reading 1972

Published July 26, 2019 by Nan Mykel

My last child was born in 1971, a Down Syndrome child with a terminal (at that time) mitral heart defect. Trying to make sense of this unexpected event which was traumatic to me (for years I couldn’t mention it publicly without crying), I sought out a psychic reading  in an attempt to make it fit into my experience of the world.  I just came across something I wrote about the reading, written three years later:


My aura is muddy with fear

the psychic said, three years ago,

as I sat hesitant before him,

searching out dim forces of my destiny.

A two-fold karmic mission

lies in wait for me, he said.

Mine to scale the heights of consciousness

and mine to loosen passive bonds.

Through action shall I free the captive

Soul of eons whose receptive mold has

fashioned the aura which I wear,

passive becoming active, opening up

my third eye and our third world

in a consciousness both higher and raised.

Today is Monday, June 30, 1975 AD.

Three years hence where shall I be?*


The psychic reader was an official minister in his other role, and when my father subsequently died I asked if he would conduct the funeral service and include a “life reading” for him, so I could better understand why my father lived the life he had.

It was clear the psychic/minister was scandalized at the suggestion he bring his psychic activities into the church in a funeral.  I wondered how he put it all together in his head, or rather why he didn’t.

I reckon I’m going to have to work on freeing my captive soul the next time round.

(If nothing else works, a psychic reading can be briefly useful).


7 comments on “Psychic Reading 1972

      • If you are in extremist pain and need a balloon to hanq onto, yes. But now I think the minister just wanted to help traumatized individuals with his “readings.” If he really had put much stock in them himself he would hae welcomed them at a special funeral service, would he not? Well, maybe he was afraid of church politics, but it seems he could have provided some kind of quasi-memorial service at his own headquarters. But Ruth, if you’re really burning with curiosity, there’s no harm in it if you do it kinda for a lark. I don’t know your location, but most of us have a friend who is inclined in that way and has had a local experience. I guess I put more stock in my own unconscious now, which can be a good friend.

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