END OF THE STORY, continued

Published May 25, 2019 by Nan Mykel

When I retired from the state prison system, where I had been treating incest and other sex offenders for 12 years, I felt sufficiently concerned–as a psychologist and incest survivor myself–to share the devastation  incest has on victims. (Referred to as survivors as they struggle to grow.)  Almost to the man, they believe it doesn’t harm the victim.  I decided to write a book revealing the effect incest had on me.  In the process I became aware of more effects that I had not connected to the incest.

So I wrote the book. The editor of the University of Ohio Press wanted to print it. The business manager, however, turned it down, saying people don’t want to read about incest.

So, believing it could perhaps prevent future incest offenders or the many who have never been apprehended, I pursued “on demand” publishing, with Amazon’s Create Space and ended up with 434 pages.  I won’t bore you with the results but I have my book on a PDF and am willing to share at no cost.  You see, I meant it when I said I was motivated by the hope to share the knowledge and experience, not money.  If you’d like a copy and your computer can handle a hefty PDF, let me know plus where to send it.  I’m not worried about being flooded with requests, since it didn’t do well on Amazon.

P.S. If you request one or both I won’t print your request.

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