Nan’s own re-blog for D’Verse

Published May 16, 2019 by Nan Mykel

The World Is Flat After All

Dubbed Democracy, it used to be

top of the line, the lead ship, at sea,

and on the land it served us well,

until the  strains of its death knell


baring an underbelly swole

with all the pilfered things they stole

in broad daylight, and  on t.v.!

Gone is the half-belief in he

who’ll take us safely to the shore

while staying steadfast to the core.

The compass nestles in the deep

while those on board remain asleep.

They used to say the earth was round,

that right makes might, but I found

that all I knew I now know not,

nor how to tell the truth from rot,

and not so sure that we’ll endure,

to make a safe arrival.


18 comments on “Nan’s own re-blog for D’Verse

  • Good poem, sad yet realistic. The world is upside down these days, it seems. Perhaps we got bored with democratic freedoms? Perhaps the human species can never be satisfied with the ‘status quo’ for more than a generation or two.


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