Published April 28, 2019 by Nan Mykel

“We are here today to share in the memories of those who have passed on before us.” But what happens after we die?”

Some people believe that when they die they go to heaven and spend eternity basking in the light of God’s love.

Some people believe that when they die the fate of their soul is determined by karma’s balance sheet.

Some people believe that when they die, they will take an honored place among the ancestors where they will dispense advice to the living.

Some people believe that when they die they will reach Nirvana–a place of oneness and nothingness.

Some people believe that after they die they are reincarnated from one life to the next, learning the lessons that they need–in a state of continuous evolution.

Some people believe that when they die they will not be conscious but their atoms will join the growth of new life on Earth.

Some people believe that when they die they will be reborn into a world that cannot even be imagined.

Some people don’t know what they believe.

Which one would you vote for?





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