What If My Shadow Speaks the Truth?

Published May 27, 2018 by Nan Mykel

It’s perhaps my naive opinion that Trump’s role in The Apprentice’s “You’re Fired”  series contributed to his narcissistic disregard for others’ welfare.  Did I see the other day that he appeared in the tv series for 14 seasons?  Seems like repeating over and over “you’re fired” could get to be habit-forming.

Trump has appeared to have uncovered organized Christian leaders’ preference for following the money instead of Christ.

Efforts to “drain the swamp” of Washington D.C. seems to have backfired, issuing in 44 individuals with ties to Trump or Pence who have acted as registered lobbyists in 2017, according to a Public Citizen analysis.

How can anyone justify the wealthiest convicts serving their sentences in country club settings while conditions for the poor in most for-profit prisons suffer?  I’d prefer all to serve equally. How can that be justified?  I don’t think Trump would have commandeered  more money for-profit prisons if he thought he would have to serve his sentence there.

Decreasing funds for public education appears to be a step in dumbing down the poor  so they won’t know any better than to vote for Trump again.

The elite NRA has the good old country boys under its spell, illustrating how an overlord can pepper the trail all the way to the witches’ house, where the owner can devour and regurgitate them.

5 comments on “What If My Shadow Speaks the Truth?

  • From everything I have read, Trump was a narcissist long before his role in The Apprentice. Even as a child, it is said he was a bully and in his teen years almost pushed another boy out of a 2nd story school window. So I believe The Apprentice was a result of his already raging arrogance and narcissism.

    Many believe that the goal of cutting funding for public education and making college virtually unaffordable for most is to ensure that only the upper echelons, the 1%, can afford a good education and the other 99% will be the proletariat. Do I believe this? Maybe … these days, nothing surprises me.


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