Grey Haibun for d’Verse

Published February 19, 2018 by Nan Mykel

Night regurgitates day in images that ride their REM waves, waves that slap the hard beach repetitively, incessantly, omnipresent in the fog of sleep and in the spaces between the incidental, accidental thoughts that drift by during timeouts in the day.  Like now.


Endless road ahead

Moonlight summons old spirits

The Earth a cocoon



27 comments on “Grey Haibun for d’Verse

  • I thought this particularly insightful and points to a condition of life we all live but do not acknowledge often. Thanks for the courage to say what you did. I agree the metaphor of the butterfly is a bit flimsy, in fact, a cliche.


  • I love the phrase “moonlight summons old spirits”. Also “accidental thoughts that drift by during timeouts”. You have a magical way with phrases, Nan. Bravo

    FROM NAN” I’ve done something wrong and this is my “Reply”:
    Now I wish I’d said “old souls.” I really appreciate the “Bravo!”, Beverly!


  • Oh you had my attention from the very start…”Night regurgitates day in images”. Powerful imagery. It makes me think about my mom who suffers from a sleep disorder. She describes it as a movie reel of the past that plays when all she wants to do is sleep.
    A beautiful haibun and stunning haiku, Nan. Always a pleasure to read your work. Sorry for my delayed response.


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