Tony’s Interview Feature

Published December 22, 2017 by Nan Mykel


The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

If there is one thing that I have learned while writing interview features on my blog is that in every walk of life for someone dealing with a mental illness, the story is different. Our stories are what define us, and hopefully, make us better people in the end.

I always imagined telling the story of someone much like myself, and in truth, I have a real affinity for stories. It was amazing the number of people willing to have me share their story.

When I first met Tony, it was on my blog, and over the course of just a short time, he shared pieces of his experience within my blog posts. When the opportunity came to share the major parts of his story, Tony jumped at the chance to be featured on The Bipolar Writer. Here is the story of one human being and his journey from…

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7 comments on “Tony’s Interview Feature

      • I have sold a couple and am more than happy to give you a good price on them. That being said, a fair number of the pictures I use for poems are not my creations. My paintings are all posted as stand alone pieces under my “on canvas” category. 🙂 I store them in boxes at the moment. Most of my paintings are on smaller sized canvases. Feel free to contact me for more details. 🙂

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