THE PAST –a haibun

Published December 7, 2017 by Nan Mykel

The Past

My Self, anchored in the past at three, inhales the earth’s nectar following the rain. Pure air, receptive soil, the world a vast cocoon of promise.

Unnoticed, earth

Worms float belly up below

Better not to know.

23 comments on “THE PAST –a haibun

  • I can read this several ways–the self drowning like the worms, or, for me, more likely choosing to ignore the ugly in life. What I like about symbolic poems is that there are sometimes more than one way to read them and mine might be totally different from yours. Thanks, Nan.


  • I love the smell right after the rain. It is earthy and intoxicating.

    The worms are good. They aerate the soil. There is much promise of new life in soil.
    It holds it ready.

    I guess none of us are immune to water. We need it to live. Too much and we all go belly up.

    Liked by 1 person

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