CHANGED MY MIND! I am NOT Starting New Blog

Published October 6, 2017 by Nan Mykel

I’ve found a blog that says what I would say, with a lot more organization, energy and putzbah (right spelling?  Maybe it’s even the wrong word).)  I’ like to recommend it to those of you who like to be a little more politically action involved than on the level of support,  personal-related,  unique experiences in our lives, coping or near healing experiences, wriing stories, books or poems and humor – in other words, the one I’m recommending is politically active and mine is same-oh-same-oh.. tho I can ‘t promise not to come up with excerpts from Dr. Rex  “It is what it is”;  Gronda Morin ; or    / on Betsy DeVos and charter schools from time to time.

The blog that I just discovered anew is     Melanie Nathan   O-blog-dee-o-blog-da

17 comments on “CHANGED MY MIND! I am NOT Starting New Blog

  • ooh Nan, you wrote this in a moment of passion. The link to the blog is missing! And the word you’re looking for is chutzpah. It’s Yiddish I think. Meaning: ”extreme self-confidence or audacity (usually used approvingly).” -from an online dictionary. We do need to be more involved so as to affect change. Us here in South Africa are having as hard a time.


  • “Chutzpah” 🙂
    I think it’s best to be varied in content when you blog on a personal level. I like the Gestalt of it. Persons have many aspects of interest and are multi-dimensional, and there’s no need to have 10 separate blogs.
    That being said, I’ve read the recommended blog several times, and I do like it!


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