24 comments on “I Am Part Serpent

    • I think whatever a poem means to the reader is the viable one. I think I was more aware of what I had been through in life. I am a survivor and due to the trauma bond that person is now a part of me, and could be thought of as my shadow, which I work to keep in check..

      Liked by 1 person

  • Striking piece, and slightly shocking. Very beautifully executed! Just one question: what would you think of my (respectful!) suggestion that you delete the word “away” in the penultimate line? It just strikes me as unnatural and redundant, do you agree?

    Liked by 1 person

    • An excellent suggestion, and I shall incorporate it in a week or two so as not to confuse things. The suggestion is one I might have stumbled upon if I had taken more time with it…but it was already Thursday.


  • Thanks to serpents, temptations are alive and well. As I am 71 and each year seems to pass me by with greater speed, I can relate absolutely to your sentiments. But no indications of the ravages of age in your writing. Still vibrant and enjoyable.


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