WHITHER — for d’Verse

Published March 9, 2017 by Nan Mykel

Predators in the underbrush,

thunder from an angry god.

A fire takes away the chill, but

the life span is short and lonely.


Are they chanting? Calling out to ancestors?

What sounds echo in their ears,

in this cave that is their home?

What sounds, indeed? I wonder —

do they love their young?

or one another? You know

they live on in us,  in our genes,

our blood, shaping us in ways we

know not.  But hark again! Listen closely.

Their reverberations persist deep

within our inner chambers. If you listen

closely you can hear them,

even now.


Pub. earlier in Time Wrinkles, 2015



24 comments on “WHITHER — for d’Verse

  • I think all reverberations live on. They may get a bit more subtle but they’re there if we can tune in. Sounds like you’re still tuning in Nan, at 82. Certainly your thoughts, feelings and writings are as valid as anyone’s no matter what your age. Keep sharing, we can all learn from each other!
    Gayle ~


  • Your poem is a lovely thought Nan, the idea of bringing our ancestors a little closer to us, even the ones we’ve never met. Just ten generations back is over a thousand people! Pretty amazing considering each one came with his and her own amazing story of survival. Even if fortunes got reversed, everyone helped bring us to where we are now, so there’s a lot to be grateful for. Wish I knew all their stories. Thanks, R


  • I like these words: “You know/they live on in us, in our genes,/our blood, shaping us in ways we/know not.” This describes some conscious reality that influences us today. That is what makes it haunting and less “lonely”. If it were an “it”, some genes or neurons, it would be something to merely overcome. I also like the idea that “our inner chambers” are their “cave”.


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